Book your medical visit calling the number +39 342901325.
To cancel or change a reservation, please contact Bormio Terme at
least 24 hours in advance of the appointment time, otherwise the
booked service will be charged.
Book an appointment with Dr. Lucia Occhi and Nora Partesana, doctors of Medicine and Surgery specialised in Cardiology.
Book an appointment with Dr. Silvia Negri.
Echocolordoppler of lower limbs, upper limbs, abdominal aorta or supra-aortic trunks
Book an appointment with our Gynaecologist.
Book an appointment with Dr. Orietta Brivio, Medical specialist in Plastic and Reconstructive surgery.
Book an appointment with Dr. Cattania and Dr. Selvetti.
Book an appointment with Dr. Eugenio Maria Cosenza, Medical surgeon specialised in Neurosurgery, somatic, abdominal and umbilical Acupuncture and Auricular Therapy, Neural Therapy, Therapy with craniosacral technique, Agolifting aesthetic Acupuncture.
Prices from 75,00 to 150,00 €.
Book your visit with Dr. Mauro Tibi, ENT specialist and the audiometric exam with Dr. Elena Roso.
Book an appointment with Dr. Alessandro Fugagnoli.
Visit + percutaneous allergy tests immediate reading (12 allergens)
Patients who book a round of thermal cures (inhalations, Aerosol, mud treatments, thermal baths) with the prescription of the GP or the medical specialist are entitled to have the admission visit free of charge.
Patients requiring a visit from our Thermal medical staff for any other reason (pressure check, thermal cures different from the one enlisted above, etc...), have instead to pay in advance for the visit itself.
Book an appointment with our Radiologist.